Test your business idea with small steps: starting a quilt retreat

Uniontown, Washington, (population 300) has a strong base of arts, artisan and craft entrepreneurship. When I toured Uniontown, a woman spoke up who wants to start a quilt retreat, a place for people to come and quilt together. More than a local quilting bee, she’s imagining a full retreat space. She owns a historic home […]

By Rob Hatch

A very busy, full planner with many notes, highlights and scribbles.

Thirty-six weeks.

Part of my process for planning my business for the New Year is to do a little reality check on exactly how much time I have to work with.

What are you talking about, Rob? You have a year.

Technically, that’s true. However, on closer inspection, I only have 36 FULL weeks available.

36 is the new 52

My process is pretty simple. I set up a spreadsheet listing every week in 2025. Right off the bat, you’ll notice that the first whole week begins on January 6th.

Next, I block off the weeks when I know I will be on vacation and spending time with friends and family.

Then, I note each week a holiday or personal event occurs that will limit the time I have available for work.

I noted weeks when my children are on school break, and I want a lighter work schedule.

I look at the seasonal ebbs and flows of our family life, such as when we begin and end the school year.

Taking all that into account, I was left with 36 full weeks.

Thirty-six weeks is a very different number to work with than fifty-two.

Here’s what I found most helpful about this exercise.

1. I am starting my annual planning by prioritizing time with my family. I am deciding ahead of time to set aside significant time for that.

2. Many of the other weeks (holidays, school vacation, weeks of transition) will happen regardless. By planning for them, I can plan around them.

3. As I look at what I want to accomplish next year, I have a clear picture of the time resources available to commit to achieving them.

Thirty-six full weeks.

Your number will likely be different. The point is to figure out your number and plan accordingly.

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